With Cut’n’Paste products you say good bye to – Wooly Nightshade, Ivy, Willows, Lantana, Ginger, Convulvulus, Boneseed, Boxthorn, Thistles, Inkweed, kikuyu….. etc. etc., in bush reserves, riparian plantings, in rockeries, your rose garden, conservation projects and so on.   With Cut’n’Paste Weed Gels it’s never been easier and safer to deal with those persistent shrub and tree weeds.

Every home and garden needs Cut’n’Paste.  Cut’n’Paste Weed Gels DO NOT contain POEA surfactants.  Original and Picloram gels, use 1% alkyl polyglucosites which have extremely low toxicity to animals.  MetGel, Bamboo Buster and Glimax have no surfactants at all and have negligble toxicity to soil organisms.

Convulvulus, kikuyu and other long vine like weeds are simply treated if you squeeze a little Original Gel onto some leaves and stem or smear on the paste holding the leaf flat on your palm. You can also simple use the brush to smear onto stems. Experiment with what works best in your situation with the weeds you deal with. In rockeries take out those persistent weeds that hide under the stones by simply wiping the gel onto some leaves. (Roundup Gel is only designed to kill the weeds in your garden path. Cut’n’Paste Original has 16 times more of the active ingredient).

Kikuyu is killed with Cut'n'Paste

Here gel is used to kill Kikuyu grass that is invading stone steps

FOR BEST RESULTS: Use during vigorous growth in spring and autumn. Do not use when rain is due within 4 hours as the paste may wash off onto desirable plants, if possible time your treatment to a period of dry weather. Re-treat any new growth on previously treated stumps.

Where you are dealing with very large plants it is best to cut the plant down and use the gels to paste the stump. Paste the whole surface area of the stump and in particular the outer bark area around the outskirts of the stump where plants mainly take nutrients into the roots. The pastes must be applied to the stump immediately after cutting; delay will severely reduce effectiveness as plants seal off their vascular systems to prevent water loss (particularly Bamboo Species) and the herbicide will not be easily able to enter. It can also be effective when pasted onto the green trunks of some shrubs and absorbed through the bark, scratching the bark before application will increase effectiveness.  Where a shrub is small and after pasting there is a risk of the treated stem contacting another desirable plant hold it down with a nearby stone.

Cut'n'Paste kills acmena

A dead acmena smithii stump treated with Cut’n’Paste

No more crawling through the bush to get those wooly nightshades with a backpack and hoses and getting caught up on branches. Just a bottle of gel in your pocket and a saw or secateurs in hand and you have all the equipment to need for the job.

Cut’n’Paste Original is effective when smeared onto the underside of leaves of small weeds. Generally no more than 10% of the leaves need to be pasted to have an effect. The pasted leaves will wither quickly and then the Glyphosate will spread through the rest of the plant which will die back progressively. Using it in your rockery is especially useful. Those little creeping weeds are easily dealt to with a dab of the gel. The gel enters the plant through the cut stem or leaves of plants and kills right down to the roots and prevents resprouting.

Cut'n'Paste kills Dandelion

Smearing Paste’n’Waste onto the underside of leaves

Jasmine and morning glory and can be successfully treated by gathering and tying together a bunch of vines and then pasting both ends of the cut bunch with double strength Bamboo Buster gel.

Always think – How can I best get the plant to absorb as much of the paste as possible as quickly as possible? When pasting a cut stem, paste as soon as possible after cutting so the that plant will suck up the paste as it withdraws its sap. The undersides of young leaves which have stomata (minute openings to let in air and let out moisture) absorb the paste best.

The Cut’n’Paste products are designed to deal with all types of weeds. Difficult to control weeds like kikuyu, convolvulous (bindweed), periwinkle, grasses, thistles, horsetail, creeping and climbing weeds with Cut’n’Paste Original on the leaves etc. Cut’n’Paste™ glyphosate products are inactivated in the soil so they can be used on a plant next to a desirable plant without affecting it.  MetGel and Picloram need to be used with care, having a much more residual effect on the soil than the other Cut’n’Paste products.  (Caution – If you are applying to leaves on or above a desirable plant be aware that rain can wash herbicide off onto plants that lie beneath.)

Our product range

Cut’n’Paste Original 120g/L Glyphosate (IPA salt) gel with 1% APG surfactants – Best for leafy weeds

Cut’n’Paste Bamboo Buster 240g/L Glyphosate (IPA salt) gel – Best for Bamboo and Shrub weeds

Cut’n’Paste Glimax 400g/L Glyphosate (IPA salt) gel – Best for large vines like OMB

Cut’n’Paste Picloram 43g/L Picloram potassium salt – Best for tough shrub and tree weeds

Cut’n’Paste MetGel 10g/L Metsulfuron methyl – Best for bulbiferous and tuberous weeds

If the stems are large cut the weed or tree down to ground level and immediately paste the stump with a thick layer of one of the Cut’n’Paste™ gels.  Hold the bottle upside down, squeeze gel onto the brush, and gently apply it to the whole surface of the cut stem. The plant will absorb the herbicide which then spreads through the plant and kill the roots. With Cut’n’Paste Original, creeping and spreading weeds can be controlled without risk to surrounding plants and without digging out difficult root systems. When stems are small best results on all weeds are obtained by pasting the leaves or greenery.

Bamboo Buster (240g/L glyphosate based)  is designed especially for Bamboo. We also recommend Bamboo Buster for some of those vigorous coppicing species like Chinese privet, rhamnus, barberry, elderberry and gorse. Large tree weeds such as Chinese privet and rhamnus (evergreen buckthorn) are very tough to kill but you should achieve a 100% kill with the following guidelines. Using this method on gorse will also return the same results.  Picloram is an alternative where you have no valued plants in proximity.

In cutting and pasting we have found a small percentage of larger diameter plants can regrow, say over 75mm diameter (the risk is greater the larger the plant). What happens is this: if you cut a plant to say 6 inches off the ground and then paint the stump it may shoot up again from the sides and you then have multiple stems to deal with, ie the centre of the plant has been killed but the periphery remains alive.

This is particularly so with rhamnus (evergreen buckthorn) but also some other plants like privet (both Chinese and tree) and monkey apple (acmena), possibly also woolly nightshade as larger plants often have long surface roots that can regrow.

To counter this poblem use Bamboo Buster or Picloram and the following guidelines:

1 Cut as close to the dirt as possible and scrape bark off any exposed roots.

2 If not possible to get so close to the dirt, scrape a good percentage of bark off the exposed parts of the plant, including exposed lateral roots.

3 If there are roots actually off the ground, cut these off both ends and treat the exposed wood at both ends in the same way.

4 Make sure all exposed roots are liberally pasted.

Using this method you will achieve a 100% kill rate. Below are some other suggested methods for using Cut’n’Paste to it’s best effect on a wide range of weed types.

The following table covers most categories of weeds.  For advice on specific weeds please email info@cutnpaste.co.nz

Methodology Example of suitable plant species
1 Cut the shrub or tree close to the ground and paste the whole area of the stump and especially the outside perimeter. When the stem or truck of the shrub or tree is small, less than 1cm, paste the underside of a couple of the top leaves rather than cutting the stem. Wooly Nightshade, Willow, Barberry, Hawthorn and most woody plants.  Use Cut’n’Paste Bamboo Buster or Picloram for stumps or Original for leaves.
2 Cut and paste the stump and outside perimeter and paste any exposed roots by scraping off the bark. Chinese privet, rhamnus.  Use Bamboo Buster and special instructions above.
3 Cut and paste the main stems as close to the ground as possible and any small shoots that come are below the cut.  Also paste any small shoots below the cut. Gorse.  Due to operator error, most reliable results are achieved with Bamboo Buster or Picloram.
4 If putting the cuttings on the compost paste the cut ends to prevent regrowth. Delicious Monster or cheeseplant, Willow and other weeds that grow readily from cuttings.  Use Cut’n’Paste Bamboo Buster on the cut ends.
5 Bamboos are particularly hardy.  Use Bamboo Buster.  See Bamboo Buster for specific instructions. Bamboo Buster.
6 Simply paste the underside of the top, youngest 2 or 3 leaves.  Take care to avoid pasting leaves that overhang desirable plants in case of run off. Use your own experience and judgement as to how many leaves to paste depending on the size of the plant. Convulvulus, ginger, thistles, dandelions and other herbaceous plants.  Use Original gel.
7 With small agapanthus plants, a bean sized blob of the gel is best placed in the very centre of the growing point for new leaves or pasting some of the underside of the young leaves.  Where clumps are very large and dense, a large number of the growing centres will need to be pasted and the underside of several leaves of each plant with MetGel Agapanthus.  Takes quite some time to die off.  Bamboo Buster is effective or small clumps but MetGel is recommended for more dense infestations.
8 For grasses and other flimsy plants apply the gel using a rubber glove to wipe a thin smear up the leaves near the growing tip. Kikuyu.  Couch.  Paspalum, climbing asparagus.  Use Original
9 For plants with long spindly runners, gather together the largest bunch you can of runners and tie off with two ties. Cut the bunch between the two ties and generously paste the cut ends on both side of the cut. Jasmine.  Morning Glory.  Use Bamboo Buster.
10 For plants with single vines. Cut about 4 inches from the ground and paste the bottom end and wipe gel down the stem to the ground so that the stem will also absorb the gel. If you can’t find the ground just paste the exposed stems for 4 – 6 inches. Moth plant. Japanese honeysuckle.  Use Cut’n’Paste Glimax

Plants Recommended for Cut’n’Paste products.

Every species of broadleaf and grass is fair go for Cut’n’Paste.  Please let us know of any case where it doesn’t work to your satisfaction and we can advise.

Some plants to take note of

Privet can be a very tough plant to kill and sometimes require retreatment.  Use Bamboo Buster, Picloram (or Met Gel) for best results.

With gorse cut below the lowest branches and shoots and/or also paste onto any small shoots that remain if this is unfeasible.  We recommend using Picloram, Met Gel or Bamboo Buster on Chinese privet, tree privet, rhamnus, acmena and other highly copiccing trees.

Follow the following link to the PDF of the brochure


Cut’n’Paste Original, Bamboo Buster and Lawn Glimax are approved by the EPA and have Hazard ratings of 9.1D, slightly toxic to aquatic organisms HSR100736

Viscosity is approximately 60-90,000 centipoise.

All products have green dye except Glimax which is blue.

Use by date is two years from the DOM (date of manufacture) when no detectable deterioration in the product should occur.  This is a guideline only and kept in cool dark conditions the product should last much longer. We still have some of our original production and after 12 years it’s still effective.  MetGel has a 12 month use by date and is made freshly every few days. It must be kept in a cool location.

We are always like to hear from you about effectiveness and other suggestions for the use of Cut’n’Paste™. We are very interested to hear if some plants are not affected so that we can advise others. Similarly if plants that are know to be hard to kill are easily knocked over we’d love to know.

Glyphosate is not an organic product but we use the lowest toxicity of any currently available systemic herbicide. It is well known that the surfactants (ingredients, mainly detergents) that are added to Glyphosate to improve its entry into plant tissue are more toxic than the herbicide itself.  Hence most of our gels have no surfactants at all.

This link to Wikipedia page on Glyphosate is worth reading if you want to know more about Glyphosate http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glyphosate

The glyphosate products do not require hazardous goods registration because of the 9.1D Hazard. Using a gel application has the advantage that it is not vapourised and therefore only goes where you put it.  http://www.legislation.govt.nz/regulation/public/2001/0124/latest/DLM44231.html

Wear rubber gloves to avoid contact with the detergents in the gel. The gel can irritate sensitive skin and must be kept away from eyes. Getting detergents in your eyes is most unpleasant. Keep the container away from children and pets so they are not able to accidentally eat it.

Glyphosate is inactivated once it contacts the soil. Although inactivated, it takes some time to break down completely in the soil and can affect microbial activity particularly when used regularly as a spray. The advantage of this application is that the chemical stays within the plant tissue and is therefore much more localised than would be the case with spraying. And it doesn’t affect any other plants in your garden.

The glyphosate pastes will kill any plant that you would normally expect Glyphosate to kill. However because it is in much more concentrated form it can also kill many of those plants that are normally more herbicide resistant. Because the Glyphosate is in a concentrated form you need to use very little of it to kill most weeds. Experiment with the paste to see how much you actually need. In winter, plants take much longer to be affected and need more herbicide. Effects may be seen within two days in spring. Take care if you’re expecting rain, the rain can wash off the gel which could then run onto desirable plants and kill them. Do not use within 4 hours of expected rain for this reason.

Glyphosate is a non-selective herbicide used to kill unwanted grasses and weeds. When Glyphosate is sprayed on plant foliage, it is absorbed and then moved – or translocated – throughout the plant’s tissues. Once inside the plant, Glyphosate inhibits the production of an enzyme, called EPSP synthase, which in turn prevents the plant from manufacturing certain aromatic amino acids essential for plant growth and life. Glyphosate interrupts the metabolic process in plants, so its effect may not be visible for about four days in annual plants and up to seven days in perennial plants. After application, the plant wilts and turns yellow, and then turns brown as the plant tissue deteriorates. At the same time, Glyphosate decomposes the plant’s underground roots and rhizomes. Ultimately, the entire plant dies, is incapable of regenerating, and enriches the soil as it decomposes.

Tests have shown that Glyphosate, when used according to label directions, has no weed killing activity once in contact with the soil. Glyphosate will not move in or on the soil to affect non-target vegetation, and it does not move through the soil to enter other non-target plants by the root system. Glyphosate is only effective when it comes into contact with the green, growing parts of plants. Other tests have shown that Glyphosate binds tightly to most soil particles until it is degraded. This means that the likelihood of Glyphosate harming nearby plants is negligible, and there is an extremely low potential for Glyphosate to move into groundwater.

Cut’n’Paste ™ contains 120g of the isopropylamine Glyphosate salt per litre.  EPA registration HSR100736.   Bamboo Buster contains 240g/L and Glimax 400g/L.

“Potassium salts of fatty acids are highly toxic to aquatic invertebrates. The LC50 was determined to be 0.57 ppm in a 48-hour acute toxicity study with Daphnia magna. The EPA requires all product labels containing this active ingredient to state that the product is not to be applied directly to water and the user is not to contaminate water bodies by cleaning equipment”

The MSDS of commonly used Coconut fatty acid for roadside spraying  states toxicity ratings of 6.3A, 8.3A, 9.1C.  In comparison the glyphosate used in Cut’n’Paste with a 9.1D (lower toxicity than 9.1C) toxicity rating is only slightly toxic to aquatic organisms and being in a gel form is unlikely to have any effect on insect larvae, soil or water organisms.

Another avenue for organic herbicides looked to plants that are allelopathic, a (from Wikipedia) term used to describe biochemical interactions that inhibit the growth of neighbouring plants, by another plant. The possible application of allelopathy in agriculture is the subject of much research. Current research is focused on the effects of weeds on crops, crops on weeds, and crops on crops. This research furthers the possibility of using allelochemicals as growth regulators and natural herbicides, to promote sustainable agriculture. A number of such allelochemicals are commercially available or in the process of large-scale manufacture. For example, Leptospermone is a purported thermochemical in lemon bottlebrush (Callistemon citrinus). Although it was found to be too weak as a commercial herbicide, a chemical analog of it, mesotrione (tradename Callisto), was found to be effective.  It is sold to control broadleaf weeds in corn but also seems to be an effective control for crabgrass in lawns. Sheeja (1993) reported the allelopathic interaction of the weeds Chromolaena odorata (Eupatorium odoratum) and Lantana camara on selected major crops. The active Ingredient is 480g/litre mesotrione in the form of a suspension concentrate

However, the toxicological studies show it to be far more toxic that Glyphosate in Cut’n’Paste products with a Hazard profile of HAZARD CLASSIFICATION: 6.4A, 6.9A, 9.1A, 9.2A  WARNING: ECOTOXIC  Harmful. May cause eye irritation. Toxic. May cause organ damage from repeated oral exposure at high doses. Very toxic to aquatic organisms and to some plant species.

So there  you have it.  But Cut’n’Paste for the lowest possible toxicity systemic herbicide money can buy!

Three herbicides are all you need for nearly all your weed killing.

  1. A gel where –

– you need highly targetted weed control

– you want to take care not to harm other plants, such as in gardens or bush

– you don’t want to spray because it might drift onto other plants

– you don’t want to use sprays because it might harm animals or people

– you want a cheaper alternative

2.  Glyphosate as a spray.  In this way where you need to start from scratch you could kill all the plants off before replanting.

3. A broadleaf specific herbicide such as Picloram or MetGel, more toxic but only affects broadleaf weeds and leaves your grasses unaffected so they suppress futher broadlead weed regrowth.

This was really useful where

– after killing everything off with Glyphosate you seed grass seed to provide ground cover which suppresses weed growth, but, you need to kill the emergent broadleaf weeds.

– weeds are growing in the grass

– the grass cover is holding the slope together

– removing the grass would cause more weeds to germinate

Remember.  Only spray when you have to as you will then have to replant.  Where possible pull out or Cut’n’Paste it.

Glyphosate is the world’s most widely used herbicide. It is effective against almost all weed species and is of low toxicity to humans and invertebrate species. In NZ it has been used since the late 1970’s for the control of annual and perennial weeds in a wide range of situations.

To be effective, glyphosate must be delivered to the site of action within the target plant. The process of passing glyphosate through the cuticle into the plant sap transport system can be accelerated by adding ammonium ions to the glyphosate.  Dual Salt Technology, uses two bases to form the soluble glyphosate salt – isopropylamine and mono-ammonium. This results in improved solubility and an increase in uptake, which combines to create a more effective product with excellent cuticle penetration and translocation. Cut’n’Paste HSNO No. HSR100736

Surfactants (detergents) help chemicals adhere to and enter the target surface. Some surfactants perform better than others. The built-in surfactant in Cut’n’Paste are designed to increase glyphosate activity through every stage from application to desiccation. The built-in surfactant is environmentally acceptable for use in aquatic situations (on the banks of rivers or other areas where water may pond and flow). This makes this product ideal to use when controlling weeds in situations where aquatic fauna and amphibians exist.

Glyphosate binds tightly to soil and will not leach through the soil, so it can be applied safely over root zones of trees. It will not drift as ‘vapour’ on to other vegetation as it is not volatile.

Cut’n’Paste has very low toxicity to humans and animals. It’s designed to stop certain amino acids (essential for plant growth) from forming. Because these particular amino acids are unique to plants Cut’n’Paste presents minimal hazard to users.  However should someone accidentally consume the product a precautionary approach is recommended as per the label instructions.

Plants are not born equal.  Some grow quickly and some are very slow.  The rate of growth will directly affect the speed of action of Cut’n’Paste and the amount of paste needed to have effect.

A few guidelines for good results

In dry, shady or cold conditions where plants will grow more slowly, use more paste and expect slower and less reliable results.

When a plant has very few leaves or sticky protective sap, pasting the stem can be effective.

If plants have very shiny leaves ensure good coverage of underside of leaf areas if pasting the leaves.

For a overview of some common weed species visit the link below.


For information of trials of Cut’n’Paste visit the link below


EPA approval documentation.  HSR100736

Or use this link to the summary Document for download https://docs.google.com/open?id=0BxMPkpdkStVbZzFRUC1IVkZublk

Glyphosate’s mode of action is to inhibit an enzyme involved in the synthesis of the aromatic amino acidstyrosinetryptophan andphenylalanine. It is absorbed through foliage and translocated to growing points. Because of this mode of action, it is only effective on actively growing plants; it is not effective as a pre-emergence herbicide.

This herbicide is often not effective against mosses (Woodfill 1999Roberts and Ziegenhagen 1999Newmaster et al. 1999) but does kill mosses in other cases (Newmaster et al. 1999). This chemical is absorbed through the leaves, becomes tightly bound to the soil, and is degraded by microbes. The failure of many common herbicides against mosses can be seen dramatically in some christmas tree plantations and other perennial crops where competing higher plants have been killed by herbicides, leaving a green carpet of mosses and other bryophytes. The situations in which glyphosate does or does not kill mosses remain unclear.

Glyphosate does not control equisetum (scouring rush), English or Algerian Ivy, stawberry of white clovers.  Filaree, cheese weed and nutsedge or bamboo require repeat treatments and should be applied to the cut stems of the plant to increase entry into the plant system.

The gel can be used to control floating-leaved plants like water lilies and shoreline plants like purple loosestrife. It cannot be applied to underwater plants such as Eurasian watermilfoil. Plants can take several weeks to die and a repeat application is often necessary to remove plants that were missed during the first application.

Wikipedia has a very thorough explanation of Glyphosate and its effects.

MetGel uses Metsulfuron.  MetGel was produced in response to requests from Councils for a herbicide gel to tackle Agapanthus, Ginger, Chinese privet, rhamnus and arun lilies.  MetGel has a very low toxicity to animals and soil organisms but is mobile in soil and can travel through soil to affect other neighbouring plants and should only be used by experienced operatives.  Go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metsulfuron-methyl for links to more information or email info@cutnpaste.co.nz with enquiries.

Cut’n’Paste Picloram gel is favoured by some where there are no nearby plants that would be in danger from the soil residual effect or soil translocation.

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