Cut’n’Paste have done it again.  A new Weed Gel based on Metsulfuron.  Now a safer way to apply this low toxicity systemic herbicide.  This is the one for your Aggies, Arums, Ginger, Chinese privet and many others that are more resistant to glyphosate.

As always MetGel is Safe and Easy to use and a highly targeted way to deal to the weeds that respond best to Metsulfuron.
MetGel is only produced as special orders of 6 bottles or more.  Box rates apply on 12 or more bottles. 
It has a 6 month recommended shelf life from the date of manufacture.  Hazard rating is 9.1A and 9.2A EPA approval HSR100947
MetGel is ideal for tackling Chinese privet, rhamnus, ginger, arums, agapanthus and other plants that are more resistant to glyphosate and respond well to metsulfuron.  MetGel can be used as a stump paste or wiped onto the underside of leaves of leafy weeds.  Plants can take 6 months to begin to die off.
The label link is
And our standard order form applies with the price for MetGel the same as our Bamboo Buster product with a 450ml brush top bottle applicator.  
The link to the order form is
You can see our range of glyphosate gels at 
Please place orders two weeks before the goods are required  Product is best used in a short time period.  Metsulfuron can travel through soil in water columns affecting non target plants and care you are advised to take great care when used anywhere near water courses.
Normal metsulfuron safety procedures are advised.
Purchase Orders by email to  
(Orders can also be paid by credit card online by ordering Bamboo Buster from the website stores with special instructions for MetGel sent by email)

MetGel mesulfuron methyl weed gel

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